Monday, November 22, 2010

A big win for NATCA!

NATCA just won a $67,000 legal fee award against the Federal Aviation Administration for successfully overturning the illegal 30-day suspension levied upon me for my protected disclosures of unsafe procedures at Newark Airport. I managed to get both procedures changed and made safer and also beat FAA in front of the Merit Systems Protection Board and a neutral arbitrator.

None of the b*llsh*t charges stuck.

Now it’s time for some accountability. I’m again calling for the offending managers to be fired. I have to solid decisions proving that the managers committed Prohibited Personnel Practices under 5 USC 2302(b)(8). Not only that, they cost the FAA approximately $250,000 and counting.

Now we have a safer airport….it’s time to fire the managers that made it unsafe in the first place.

I urge you all to call your congressional representatives and demand accountability.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Know your rights - Fit-for-duty and restricted medications

Know Your Rights
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fit-for-Duty and Restricted Medications

   Question: Am I required to report the use of any medication to the Regional Flight Surgeon in between the yearly ATC physical examination?

   Answer: Yes.

Air traffic controllers must hold a valid and current medical clearance to work air traffic operational duties. Taking prescribed and over-the counter medication(s) can medically disqualify an employee from working ATC positions. Not reporting medication in between the yearly physical can nullify a medical clearance and render you disqualified to perform ATC duties. Failure to report medication to the FAA places you in a potential disciplinary action, which can include removal from federal service.

Even though controllers are asked the question “Do you currently use any medication?” on the Form 8500 while undergoing the yearly physical exam, all medication taken during the course of the year must be reported. You cannot wait until your next physical to report or disclose any mediation you had taken or are taking on a regular basis. If you do, you place yourself in jeopardy of violating following provisions:

1. Article 66 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement
2. FAA Order 7210.3 (2-8-1 – Medical)
3. FAA Order 3930.3A (ATC Medical Standard Order)
4. ER 4.1 (Standards of Conduct)

Article 66, Section 14 is the parties’ negotiated provision concerning medication that restricts employees from performing safety-related duties. The medications listed on the guide are not comprehensive or all-inclusive. Accordingly, even if the medication is not listed, you are still required to report the drug(s) to the FAA. NATCA advises that you contact the Regional Flight Surgeon (RFS) regarding the matter and when you need to report medication use. If at all possible, do not report to the facility management. If you must, just convey that you are taking medication that may be disqualifying and that you will contact the FAA’s RFS for further advice. Please seek assistance from your FacRep before initiating a call into the RFS or when contacting facility management.

Order 7210.3 restricts employees from working operational positions when using sedative type drugs; tranquilizers; any medications that have an effect on the central or automatic nervous system; and any other drugs likely to affect the alertness, judgment, vision, equilibrium or state of consciousness. The Order clearly outlines all the possible restrictions and has “covered all bases” when it comes to prohibited medications. Again, contact the RFS to report all medications you are taking.

Order 3930.3A requires air traffic controllers to report to facility management and/or the Regional Flight Surgeon of any health problems and results of medical examination occurring between periodic exams. While the Order may not explicitly mention the reporting requirement of medication, since the prescription was obtained because of a medical exam or on the advice of a medical clinician to treat health related problems, you are bound by this Order to report the prescribed medication.

ER 4.1 (Section 15) makes a misconduct if an air traffic controller engages in an inappropriate use of legal substances, which includes prescription and over-the-counter medications. Under the agency’s Table of Penalties, discipline for forging, falsifying, misstating or misrepresenting information on government records, documents, or claims for oneself is a range of five-day to removal for a first offense.

For these reasons, it cannot be understated the importance of reporting both prescription and non-prescription use. The key issue from a FAA’s safety perspective usually is not the medication itself, but the reason the medication is being used. Only medication that is currently being used is required to be reported. Although the FAA discourages the use of “nutritional supplements” obtained over-the-counter, there is no requirement to report their use. Nutritional supplements are not regulated by the FDA, nor restricted by the FAA. They include herbal preparations, performance enhancers, vitamins, minerals and many other unregulated substances. 

For further information on the reporting requirement or if you wish to obtain an independent consultation concerning FAA’s medical qualification issues, NATCA members may contact the aviation medical professionals at
You may also contact your facility representative and/or your regional vice president for further guidance and assistance. When it comes to matters relating to this topic, please make sure you involve your FacRep and/or your RVP from the beginning to protect yourself and your rights. Because it concerns your medical clearance, which has a direct bearing to your ATC position, it is imperative that you do not attempt to resolve the matter on your own. Please seek assistance from your FacRep and/or your RVP. 




OPM Announces Delay with the Retirement Determination Process

Planning to Retire in the Next Six Months?
Friday, October 29, 2010

OPM Announces Delay with the Retirement Determination Process

If you are planning to retire in the next six months be advised that the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced a delay with the retirement determination process.

What does this mean for you? If you are planning to retire at the end of 2010 or the first half of 2011, you can expect to receive “interim” payments (approximately 75 percent of your final annuity payment) for six to eight months. These payments represent a portion of your final annuity and are usually made on the first business day of each month.

OPM will only withhold federal income tax from the interim pay. If you elected to be covered by federal health and life insurance, the coverage will continue while you are receiving interim pay. OPM will begin withholding federal health and life insurance premiums retroactive to the beginning date of your annuity once your retirement application is finalized.

The FAA has advised us that the OPM is finalizing a Benefits Administration Letter (BAL) designed to address employee questions and concerns regarding the interim payments and delay processing retirement applications. As soon as it comes out, we will forward it to the membership.

For more information, please see this story that appeared in the Federal Times:




Know your rights - Drug and Alcohol Testing

Know Your Rights
Friday, October 29, 2010

DOT/FAA Drug and Alcohol Testing

The Department of Transportation has revised the Drug and Alcohol Testing Order 3910.1C to 3910.1D. The Order was implemented effective October 1, 2010. NATCA and FAA are currently engaged in discussion over the agency’s unilateral implementation of the 3910.1D Order. NATCA will receive a briefing on the changes, and once completed, more information will be forwarded to the membership concerning this matter. What follows is a list of the major changes introduced by Order 3910.1D to get your familiarized with the changes.


The issue of and procedures for substance abuse testing is covered in all of the NATCA bargaining units’ collective bargaining agreements (Article 73 for air traffic controllers). Under the CBA provision, you are entitled to request union representation during the collection process (for either drug or alcohol screening). It is important to exercise this right so that the process, as agreed to by the parties, is strictly followed and your rights protected. Should you have any questions about this matter, please contact your facility representative or your regional vice president for further information.

Testing of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)

The Department has added “ecstasy” as commonly known to the random, reasonable suspicion, and post-accident testing. The following lists all drugs screened and the cut-off levels for the initial and confirmation testing levels.


                                                     Initial              Confirmation

Marijuana metabolites                   50 ng/mL          15 ng/mL
*Cocaine metabolites                    150 ng/mL        100 ng/mL
Opiate metabolites                        2000 ng/mL       2000 ng/mL
**6-Acetylmorphine                     10 ng/mL          10 ng/mL
Phencyclidine                                25 ng/mL          25 ng/mL
*Amphetamines                            500 ng/mL        250 ng/mL
          AMP/MAMP (Methamphetamine)
MDMA                                         500 ng/mL       250 ng/mL

*Note: The initial test for cocaine metabolites and amphetamines cutoff levels lowered. Cocaine metabolites from 300 ng/mL to 150 ng/mL Amphetamines from 1000 ng/mL to 500 ng/mL.

**The addition of 6-acetylmorphine (6AM) determines the presence of heroin.

“Shy Bladder”

•  Shy Bladder requirements – If an employee is unable to provide a sufficient volume (45 milliliters) of urine on their first attempt, the employee will have three hours from the time of the first unsuccessful attempt to provide a sufficient volume. 

•  Employee may drink up to 40 ounces of fluid distributed reasonably through a period of up to three hours. For example, an 8-oz glass of water every 30 minutes, but not to exceed a maximum of 40 ounces over a period of three hours.

•  If the employee has not provided a sufficient specimen within three hours of the first unsuccessful attempt, he will be referred to the Medical Review Officer (MRO (Regional Flight Surgeon)) for a medical evaluation. If the MRO determines no valid medical reason for the employee’s inability to provide a sufficient volume of urine for a drug test, the test will be regarded as a “refusal test” and action will be initiated to remove the employee from federal services. If a test is deemed “refusal” it is an automatic termination without an opportunity to enter into a Rehabilitation/Last Chance Agreement.

Policy on Official and Unofficial Details

3910.1D makes the distinction concerning pre-employment/pre-appointment testing when employees move into, or is placed back into, a TDP position after a 90-day detail. 

TDP employees who are officially or unofficially detailed to non-TDP duties are subject to pre-employment testing prior to returning to their TDP if the detail is 90 days or more. An unofficial detail is considered to be any temporary assignment taken without the appropriate personnel action. Employees in non-TDPs who are officially or unofficially detailed or assigned collateral TDP duties (90 days or more) are subject to pre-appointment testing prior to appointment into the position or performance of the assigned collateral duties. Page III-6(f) – Page III-4

Post-Accident Testing CANNOT be Done at the Employee’s Residence

3910.1D clarifies post-accident or post-incident testing cannot be conducted at an employee’s residence. Drug and/or alcohol tests must be conducted at the employee’s facility.

Indefinite Suspension for Alcohol Misuse – XI(6)(b)

DOT may take action to suspend an FAA employee indefinitely if it has reason to believe that the employee has committed a crime involving alcohol misuse for which a term of imprisonment may be imposed, prior to determining a violation of this Order. There is no opportunity to enter a rehabilitation program for this offense.

Off-Duty Drug/Alcohol-Related Conduct and Self-Referral – XI(10)

When an OA [FAA] learns of an off-duty drug and/or alcohol misconduct event covered under this paragraph, the employee is no longer eligible to self-refer to the EAP. Such misconduct includes, but is not limited to:

• Driving while intoxicated (DWI);
• Drive under the Influence (DUI);
• Misuse of prescription drugs and/or over-the-counter medicine at any time (OAs must use the reasonable suspicion testing standard in making the determination for this offense);
• Any other police matter where the use of drugs or alcohol is noted in any police report or court documents, etc.; or
• Refusal to submit to a breath alcohol test and/or field sobriety test conducted by Federal, State, local, or tribal government officials having independent authority for the test.

The OA may learn about an off-duty situation through any available means. Misconduct may come to the attention of management because of:

• Report of Investigation (ROI);
• Newspaper article;
• Information or inquiry from a policy source;
• Information obtained as a result of periodic medical examination; or
• An illness related medical examination.

For the purpose of these offenses, a plea of no contest or other plea arrangement is not cause of drug or alcohol misconduct to be excused under this Order (3910.1D). Appropriate action may be taken in accordance with the OAs Table of Penalties.

Prohibited Alcohol-Related

The Order clarifies the issue of on-duty alcohol use to include non-paid breaks.

On-duty alcohol use – All employee are prohibited from use of alcohol while on duty (as specified in 41 CFR § 102-74.405). This includes paid or non-paid breaks during the workday. There is not opportunity to enter a rehabilitation program for this offense.
DOT Order 3910.1D, Chapter XI(5)(b).