I’ve been kind of busy lately, and I apologize for my absence. As you may know, I was designated to represent all the three TEB controllers and one EWR controller who were interviewed by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) regarding the crash over the Hudson. I am still representing the TEB controller who was working Local Control at the time of the crash. I’m not going into detail, but I don’t believe the controller is culpable in the crash.
Unfortunately, the NTSB issued a statement on the Friday after the crash that erroneously inferred that the Liberty Helicopter ship was on the radar prior to the transfer of communications to EWR. This wasn’t true according to the NTSB’s own timeline. NATCA asked the NTSB to correct the statement and after initially telling us they would fix it, they refused. This left NATCA no choice but to publically slam the NTSB in the media.
We really took it to them and our side of the story hit every media outlet from the local New York television stations and newspapers to the national outlets like CNN, MSNBC, Wall Street Journal and USA Today. We even made Bloomberg. CNN went as far as to send a car to my house to drive me into the city to do an interview. It was a first for me.
The following Monday the NTSB corrected its statement but in a Blakey-esque move, hid the change under the press release headline “NTSB Removes NATCA from Investigation”. We won the battle, but the NTSB Chairwoman couldn’t handle the black eye. I hope our relationship can be mended, but I won’t sacrifice the defense of our controllers to make nice-nice with the politicos. We stand together!
Anyway, our win was significant but the controller still has an uphill battle with FAA about his conversation on the landline. I’ll be dealing with that shortly and will defend him vigorously. Outcome TBD…
Run-off election: From the NATCA National Office Update
As you may know, I have personally endorsed Paul Rinaldi for NATCA President. Ed Kragh has also endorsed Paul and is his campaign contact at EWR. I urge you all to vote. If you don’t vote then please don’t complain about your leadership. You have a voice as a NATCA member - use it! Our participation in the election was apathetic at around 50%. We are one of the premier towers in the country and should be at 100% participation in our election. Please call me if you have any questions.
Because no candidate won a majority of the votes cast in the races for NATCA President and Central Region Vice President in the balloting that concluded on July 31, a runoff election is being held for both offices.
. Runoff ballots were distributed on Monday, August 17
. Runoff ballots are due back by 11:59 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, Sept. 16
. Runoff ballots will be counted at NATCA’s National Office on Thursday, Sept. 17 starting at approximately 9:00 a.m.
The new officers determined by the runoff election will take office thirty (30) days after the results of the runoff election are finalized.
Any member who preregistered to receive an electronic ballot for the balloting that concluded on July 31 should have automatically received an electronic ballot for the runoff election. There will be no additional preregistration period in the runoff election.
Members who did not preregister to receive an electronic ballot for the balloting that concluded on July 31 are receiving a mail ballot package for the runoff election. The mail ballot package will again contain instructions on how members may vote online in lieu of returning the mail ballot.
Please note that pursuant to NATCA’s election rules, any member who votes online AND returns a mail ballot will have both votes invalidated.
MEMBERS ARE URGED TO CAREFULLY READ THE BALLOTING INSTRUCTIONS IN THE MAIL BALLOT PACKAGE. In the balloting that concluded on July 31, a large number of members failed to follow the instructions on the ballot to remove the perforated section of the ballot containing his or her marked votes from the section of the ballot with his or her identifying information.
Any questions about the procedures for the runoff election should be directed to National Election Committee Chairman Mike Patterson ( or NATCA General Counsel Marguerite L. Graf (
Contract Ratification:
Contract ratification package: The National Office, on Friday (Aug. 21) began mailing a contract ratification package to the membership. This package has a cover printed on GREEN paper. It includes a cover letter, the entire tentative agreement (including the arbitrators’ decision which is NOT subject to ratification), and what members can expect with respect to contract ratification ballots. Most members should receive their packages by Sept. 4.
Contract ratification ballot: The contract ratification ballot -- printed on GREEN paper and envelopes -- will be sent to members on Sept. 1.
I believe the ratification process must be completed in 45 days from the ballot issuance. I fully expect that we will ratify this contact. It isn’t perfect, but it’s damn good. Some may be disappointed with the pay resolution, but I can tell you that from a labor/management relations standpoint, this is a good contract. I will be voting “YES” to ratify.
Local Issues:
On the home front, we have had a few issues. The new OE process is up and running. We tested it over the past few weeks and it appears to work as advertised. Remember to file a NASA form if you have or witness an OE/OD. Please do this the same day if possible to ensure you are protected. I believe you technically have ten days, but why wait.
ASDE-X parameters: Don’t rely on the ASDE-X for separating your traffic. It does not provide alerts on two aircraft that will occupy the same landing runway illegally until it detects a pending collision. By this time it’s too late to avoid the OE. Look out the window and if that’s not possible, be conservative. Don’t place your ticket on the line by using this system as your primary means of runway separation. It won’t save you.
Lou Caggiano had some concerns about the system prior to FAA certifying it. They chose to ignore his input.
Staffing: We have a total of five people off the boards for varied reasons. I know it’s frustrating for you all as you can’t get spot annual on many shifts and I’ve heard the weekends are particularly short. I’ve had conversations with Jim Swanson about this and I hope this can be mitigated in the next negotiated schedule. We have not begun negotiations on this because of the new contract and also because President Obama is about to sign an Executive Order forcing all federal agencies to “permissive bargain” on management rights, including staffing. More on this when I have more info.
Inbound bodies to EWR: We have approximately 5 people inbound to EWR in the next 6 months or so. One is a CPC from another tower, another is a hardship and the rest are off the street.
Past NATCA meeting: For those of you who came out to Terminal One for the meeting a few weeks back, THANK YOU. For those who couldn’t or just didn’t attend, I think you missed out. We discussed a host of issues that are obviously important to the membership. My big question to all of you; “What are the top three quality of life issues that you think need to be fixed over the next year?” I need to know this because I want to focus my energy on those things that will make the biggest impact on your life at EWR. It gives me a good point to start negotiating from. Please let me know..
My status: I am currently in the building on Mondays from about 8 to 4. I am restricted to the first floor, so you won’t see me upstairs. Please come down and visit. I am also engaged in many other activities for NATCA. I’m still the Legislative Coordinator for New Jersey, an Arbitration Advocate and also the designated representative for the TEB controller involved in the Hudson crash. No matter, you can always reach me via my cell 201-362-9305 or email . I am glad to say that I have a cordial working relationship with Jim and the rest of the first floor.
That’s all I can think of right now. I’m sure I missed something and when it comes to me, I’ll e-mail or blog it.
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