This is page 12 of the December 22, 2009 Merit Systems Protection Board decision by Judge Ruggiero where she ruled that Ed Masterson violated federal law - the Whistleblower Protection Act and committed a Prohibited Personnel Practice under 5 USC 2302(b)(8). Ed Masterson retaliated against a federal whistleblower who disclosed three unsafe air traffic procedures at Newark Liberty Airport. These procedures have now either been corrected, stopped or just no longer used. There haven't been any more near-collisions at Newark Airport since these procedures were corrected or stopped. I think that speaks volumes. In fact, on the one procedure the runway 22 Left/runway 11 simultaneous landings, the incidence of go-arounds (aborted landings) was reduced by 80%. That is a staggering number.
Ed Masterson ignored the danger and even went as far as to put a policy in place to bring the airplanes closer together. Yes, even closer! I guess a near-collision isn't close enough for this numbskull FAA manager. It really pissed him off when he was presented evidence that conflicted with his warped view of reality. Hence, the retaliation.
More to come on this.
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