Since no management official even answered grievances for the past two years or so, I figured I'd ask if anyone is even authorized by the Agency to do so. Here is my letter to Jim.
Raymond Adams
National Air Traffic Controllers Association, Newark Local
Newark, NJ 07114
Mr. Jim Swanson
Air Traffic Manager
Newark Air Traffic Control Tower
Newark Airport
Newark, NJ 07114
Via fax 973-824-4603 email: and regular mail
July 10, 2009
Mr. Swanson,
I am writing to you to ascertain who, if any management official at Newark Air Traffic Control Tower holds the authority to hear and resolve grievances and to what extent. As of the past two years, there has been no indication that any official in the facility was authorized to resolve grievances. In fact, your predecessor did not even provide an answer to many filed grievances or complaints.
As of this date, NATCA has not received the Agency’s reply to my grievance regarding the non-payment of the Organizational Success Increase for the year of 2008 filed on February 17, 2009. The Agency is currently past its deadline for response.
As the NATCA’s exclusive representative at Newark Tower, I have the authority to negotiate the resolution of member grievances. I cannot make good faith efforts toward a peaceful labor-management relationship nor provide lawful representation without knowing the parties authorized to conduct such activities.
Please notify me in writing of the person(s) authorized by the Agency to hear, negotiate and resolve grievances and the limits of their authority.
Raymond Adams
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