Today, I filed an Unfair Labor Practice charge against the FAA (Swanson committed it but you must charge the Agency as per law). The charge stems from the two information requests I filed on July 6th regarding overtime assignments and the Report of Investigation that Masterson ordered against me. Under the law that governs Federal Labor Management Relations (5 USC Chapter 71), the Union is entitled to information necessary to determine if management committed a violation of law, regulation or contract. There are some limitations, but the requests were filed within the scope of the law and all of the information is readily available to Swanson and his band of merry men.
The Federal Labor Relations Authority holds the jurisdiction to investigate and rule on Unfair Labor Practices. An FLRA agent will contact me shortly to investigate the complaint. From there, I would hope Swanson decides to comply with the law.
Here's the kicker, it's not that Swanson denied my requests. He actually didn't even answer them (in true Ed Masterson style). Problem with that strategy is that the LAW requires him to respond either way. His "head-in-the-sand" tricks will not fly on this one. Eventually, he will be required to respond to my requests.
I didn't come into this position looking for a hard-nosed battle on all these issues. I'm simply trying to do the job I'm tasked with: Provide you with the best representation I can. Swanson is making it apparent that he doesn't care about that.
The fight goes on.....
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